Meet the Author: Jennifer Percy

Demon Camp: A Soldier’s Exorcism is the riveting true story of a veteran with PTSD and an explora­tion of the battles soldiers face after the war is over. Percy’s riveting account forces us to gaze upon the true human consequences of the War on Terror.

Hear a reading of Demon Camp, ask the author questions and get a book signing at the release party.

When: Wed., Jan. 15, 2014 at 7:00 pm
Where: BookCourt
163 Court St., Brooklyn

Price: Free
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Demon Camp: A Soldier’s Exorcism is the riveting true story of a veteran with PTSD and an explora­tion of the battles soldiers face after the war is over. Percy’s riveting account forces us to gaze upon the true human consequences of the War on Terror.

Hear a reading of Demon Camp, ask the author questions and get a book signing at the release party.

Buy tickets/get more info now