New Year’s Eve Festival of NO! Stop Trump/Pence

In cities and towns across this country, thousands will demonstrate on New Year’s eve outside of Trump-owned properties as part of the Month of Resistance to Prevent the Trump/Pence Regime from Taking Power!

In New York City on NEW YEAR’S EVE at 8 pm
Converge at Columbus Circle.
We will make signs…art…noise…and we will MARCH TO TRUMP TOWER.

The millions who are out in New York must see and hear the NO!
Millions who are shocked, confused, and outraged by everything Donald Trump represents must see and hear the NO!

Bring drums, pots and pans, noise-makers, candles, glow-sticks, posters that say “NO!” and everyone you know. Join thousands , ringing in the new year in determination to STOP the fascist Trump/Pence regime BEFORE it comes to power.

No “pussy-grabbing”
No immigrant-bashing
No Muslim registry
No Wall
No White Supremacy
No Neo-Nazis
No gay-bashing
No climate-change-denying

When: Sat., Dec. 31, 2016 - Sun., Jan. 1, 2017 at 12:00 am - 1:00 am
In cities and towns across this country, thousands will demonstrate on New Year’s eve outside of Trump-owned properties as part of the Month of Resistance to Prevent the Trump/Pence Regime from Taking Power!

In New York City on NEW YEAR’S EVE at 8 pm
Converge at Columbus Circle.
We will make signs…art…noise…and we will MARCH TO TRUMP TOWER.

The millions who are out in New York must see and hear the NO!
Millions who are shocked, confused, and outraged by everything Donald Trump represents must see and hear the NO!

Bring drums, pots and pans, noise-makers, candles, glow-sticks, posters that say “NO!” and everyone you know. Join thousands , ringing in the new year in determination to STOP the fascist Trump/Pence regime BEFORE it comes to power.

No “pussy-grabbing”
No immigrant-bashing
No Muslim registry
No Wall
No White Supremacy
No Neo-Nazis
No gay-bashing
No climate-change-denying

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