The Now – largest Interactive Public Art Installation
THE NOW – The largest video interactive public art installation of its kind, 72 ft long, on the windows of the Port Authority Bus Terminal
The Now, created by video artists Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger in collaboration with interactivity designers NoirFlux and Karan Parikh, is the first featured art presentation at Coolture Impact and the largest interactive public art installation on the windows of the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Times Square.
The now offers a journey into magical worlds, intertwining reality and fantasy, opening doors to hidden places and participatory environments. The Now explores transitory spaces and unseen parallel realities, in a cinematic voyage to visually striking realms, live painting, and animated characters with evolving narratives. Visitors are invited to walk, move and unravel the different storylines.
The Now at Coolture Impact – Port Authority Bus Terminal
Outdoor on the South West Corner of 42nd Street with 8th Avenue, New York, NY