Oh My Science! The Fifth Element Screening
Where: Videology
308 Bedford Ave., Williamsburg
Price: $10
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Do you like when movies do stuff with science? So does Dan Silver, Videology’s resident science enthusiast/comedian! Using the movie as a jumping off point, we can discuss the future, aliens, and what would happen if there were even more elements!
Dan Silver will introduce the film and lead a fun discussion afterwards that will handle science, fiction, and combinations of the two.
In the 23rd century, a New York City cabbie, Korben Dallas (Bruce Willis), finds the fate of the world in his hands when Leeloo (Milla Jovovich) falls into his cab. As the embodiment of the fifth element, Leeloo needs to combine with the other four to keep the approaching Great Evil from destroying the world. Together with Father Vito Cornelius (Ian Holm) and zany broadcaster Ruby Rhod (Chris Tucker), Dallas must race against time and the wicked industrialist Zorg (Gary Oldman) to save humanity.
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