Old Dead White Guys Are More Interesting Than You Would Think

Old Dead White Guys Are More Interesting Than You Would Think

But Probably Still Racist? Maybe some Beowulf here. The Seamus Heaney translation is top notch, and the movie is actually secretly good! Did you know Neil Gaiman wrote it? Milton is basically a science fiction author who invented everything you know about Satan, and is the second most audacious poet of all time. Want to know who the first was? Come to class. (spoiler alert: it was Dante). A bit of ultra-chill Zen Master Chaucer and his weird olde tyme English. Probably not Spenser but you never know! No, they are probably not racist.


Geoff Klock

Geoff Klock loves movies. Specifically, he’s fascinated by the odd, often baffling results when visionary directors are provided legit studio budgets, yet limited restrictions on delivering the films they want to make. Ang Lee’s Hulk, anyone? Darren Aronofsky re-writing the Bible for Noah?

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Hullabaloo Books

A volunteer-powered micro bookstore. 658 Franklin Ave.

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Tickets $15.

When: Mon., Jan. 18, 2016 at 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Old Dead White Guys Are More Interesting Than You Would Think

But Probably Still Racist? Maybe some Beowulf here. The Seamus Heaney translation is top notch, and the movie is actually secretly good! Did you know Neil Gaiman wrote it? Milton is basically a science fiction author who invented everything you know about Satan, and is the second most audacious poet of all time. Want to know who the first was? Come to class. (spoiler alert: it was Dante). A bit of ultra-chill Zen Master Chaucer and his weird olde tyme English. Probably not Spenser but you never know! No, they are probably not racist.


Geoff Klock

Geoff Klock loves movies. Specifically, he’s fascinated by the odd, often baffling results when visionary directors are provided legit studio budgets, yet limited restrictions on delivering the films they want to make. Ang Lee’s Hulk, anyone? Darren Aronofsky re-writing the Bible for Noah?

More about the teacher


Hullabaloo Books

A volunteer-powered micro bookstore. 658 Franklin Ave.

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Tickets $15.

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