Open DNA Barcoding Night

This is a true citizen science project! DNA barcoding is a way of identifying species without a professional taxonomist. It relies on a unique DNA signature- the barcode- which anyone can determine with a little training at Genspace. We have collected about 250 samples from the Alaskan tundra and you can help us barcode them. Just show up and we’ll put you to work.

There’s a good chance that we will be the first to barcode many of the species, in which case your name might end up in the Barcode of Life database as a contributor. When a species is properly barcoded, it opens the door to amateur participation in ecological research, and helps scientists and activists catalog fragile species threatened by such events as global warming.

When: Mon., Nov. 18, 2013 at 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: Genspace
132 32nd St., Suite 108
Price: Free
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This is a true citizen science project! DNA barcoding is a way of identifying species without a professional taxonomist. It relies on a unique DNA signature- the barcode- which anyone can determine with a little training at Genspace. We have collected about 250 samples from the Alaskan tundra and you can help us barcode them. Just show up and we’ll put you to work.

There’s a good chance that we will be the first to barcode many of the species, in which case your name might end up in the Barcode of Life database as a contributor. When a species is properly barcoded, it opens the door to amateur participation in ecological research, and helps scientists and activists catalog fragile species threatened by such events as global warming.
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