Procrastination and Your Dissertation

Are you an ingenious procrastinator? Do you spend your time working “around” your dissertation rather than working on it? Examples include setting up “just right” work spaces, conducting endless literature reviews, organizing research material or reading more sources when you really should be writing.

Are you a more obvious procrastinator – emailing, social networking, surfing the net, watching reality TV when you should get down to the business of writing?

Feeling guilty, hopeless and helpless? You are not alone. Join us as we identify the negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors that lead to procrastination and discuss the techniques that will get you moving towards, rather than against, graduation!

Dr. Nicole Elden is a Staff Psychologist at Student Counseling Services at the Wellness Center Student Counseling Services.

To register for this workshop stop by the Wellness Center Student Counseling Services in Room 6422 to fill out an application. For more information, please call (212) 817-8731.

When: Tue., Jul. 24, 2012 at 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Where: Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Ave.
Price: Free
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Are you an ingenious procrastinator? Do you spend your time working “around” your dissertation rather than working on it? Examples include setting up “just right” work spaces, conducting endless literature reviews, organizing research material or reading more sources when you really should be writing.

Are you a more obvious procrastinator – emailing, social networking, surfing the net, watching reality TV when you should get down to the business of writing?

Feeling guilty, hopeless and helpless? You are not alone. Join us as we identify the negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors that lead to procrastination and discuss the techniques that will get you moving towards, rather than against, graduation!

Dr. Nicole Elden is a Staff Psychologist at Student Counseling Services at the Wellness Center Student Counseling Services.

To register for this workshop stop by the Wellness Center Student Counseling Services in Room 6422 to fill out an application. For more information, please call (212) 817-8731.

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