Ramin and Rokni Haerizadeh with Vali Mahlouji

In self-exile since 2007, the Haerizadehs’ individual and collaborative practices comment on the contemporary condition of artists in Iran within the broader Middle East. Introduced by Suzanne Cotter, Curator, Abu Dhabi Project, the artists share their journey from Teheran to Dubai, with writer and curator Vali Mahlouji.

When: Tue., Jan. 15, 2013 at 6:30 pm
Where: Guggenheim Museum
1071 Fifth Ave. (at 89th St.)
Price: $10
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In self-exile since 2007, the Haerizadehs’ individual and collaborative practices comment on the contemporary condition of artists in Iran within the broader Middle East. Introduced by Suzanne Cotter, Curator, Abu Dhabi Project, the artists share their journey from Teheran to Dubai, with writer and curator Vali Mahlouji.

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