Reading Rooms & Libraries in 19th-Century NYC

Join us as we recreate a tavern experience of reading a 19th-century newspaper by candlelight. With that understanding as the backdrop, follow Dr. Jill Lord as she traces the history of public spaces for reading. Taverns, booksellers, and members-only societal libraries were the norm until 1854 when the first public library in the United States, Astor Library, was established.

When: Tue., Nov. 12, 2013 at 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Where: Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden
421 E. 61st St.
Price: $18 Adults, $15 Museum Members & Students
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Join us as we recreate a tavern experience of reading a 19th-century newspaper by candlelight. With that understanding as the backdrop, follow Dr. Jill Lord as she traces the history of public spaces for reading. Taverns, booksellers, and members-only societal libraries were the norm until 1854 when the first public library in the United States, Astor Library, was established.

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