Risky Business – The Future of Biopharmaceutical Innovation
Where: New York Academy of Sciences
250 Greenwich St., 40th Floor
Price: Member $75, Nonmember $110; Nonmember Student, Undergrad, Grad, Fellow $75, Member Student, Post-Doc, Fellow $40
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Biopharmaceutical companies make some of the biggest and most risky gambles of any industry, as each new drug ultimately requires multi-billion-dollar investments that can take more than a decade to play out. During this time, profound changes may occur; Internal portfolios wax and wane, competitor innovations emerge, regulatory & commercial frameworks reshape the playing field, and in some cases therapeutic advancements move the pitch to a new field altogether.
In such an uncertain landscape, companies are constantly rethinking their strategy, and how they can take advantage of technical advancements to build innovation models that are fit for the future. With the emergence of open innovation networks, what will be the role for in-house R&D? What will the future of biopharma innovation look like?
This half-day workshop is directed at graduate students, postdocs, and others with an interest in understanding the innovation dynamics of the biopharmaceutical industry. It will provide a snapshot of how investment decisions are taken–beating competitors to a lucrative deal–and the challenges the industry faces. Using a competitive board game that has been developed specifically to mimic the pharmaceutical industry past and present, participants will take on the role of an executive team of a mid-size company. As a management team, they will develop, execute, alter their strategy in response to successes and failures, and pounce on the missed opportunities of others. At the end of the workshop, the winning team will be invited to share their strategy. Major lessons learned and key questions for the future will be summarized and opened for discussion.
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