Robert Vambery and Taranza Ganziro on “Exorbitant Burdens, Deficits and the Almighty Dollar”
Where: Museum of American Finance
48 Wall St.
Price: $5 tickets include Museum admission; members and students free.
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The proper role of the United States dollar within the international monetary system is frequently questioned. Recognizing that the dollar continues to be the premiere leading reserve currency, some loud opposition is inspired by a concern that the US derives exorbitant privileges and undeserved benefits from the economic influence it can exert through the dollar.
The Exorbitant Burden: The Impact of the US Dollar’s Reserve and Global Currency Status on the US Twin-Deficits, by Taranza Ganziro and Robert Vambery, focuses on the opposite end of the exorbitant privilege spectrum: the exorbitant burden, the cost the very dollar reserve status impacts on the US economy through the twin deficits. This economic and political science work includes a rigorous quantitative analysis that demonstrates that although it is a privilege and a benefit for the US to have its currency as the leading world reserve currency, the privilege also proves to be a very significant economic and security burden imposed on the nation.
Talk will be followed by Q&A and book signing. Feel free to bring your lunch.
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