Rock n’ Roll, the Opposites, and Our Greatest Hopes – A Celebration!

>Why has Rock ‘n’ Roll affected people so much?

Singing and commenting on songs from the ’50s and the ’60s to the present, we illustrate these sentences from an Aesthetic Realism lesson Eli Siegel gave to a rock musician: “Rock ’n’ roll has the answer to people’s problem of, on the one hand, wanting to be very private and sad, and on the other, wanting to have something like sunlight and public force.”

With Kevin Fennell • Carrie Wilson • Bennett Cooperman • Timothy Lynch • Christopher Balchin • Lynette Abel • Sally Ross • Meryl Nietsch-Cooperman • Marion Fennell • Ann Richards • Alan Shapiro & Edward Green, keyboard • Rob Colavito, drums • Allan Michael, bass  • Barbara Allen, flute

When: Sun., Jul. 29, 2012 at 2:30 pm
Where: Aesthetic Realism Foundation
141 Greene St.
Price: $15
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>Why has Rock ‘n’ Roll affected people so much?

Singing and commenting on songs from the ’50s and the ’60s to the present, we illustrate these sentences from an Aesthetic Realism lesson Eli Siegel gave to a rock musician: “Rock ’n’ roll has the answer to people’s problem of, on the one hand, wanting to be very private and sad, and on the other, wanting to have something like sunlight and public force.”

With Kevin Fennell • Carrie Wilson • Bennett Cooperman • Timothy Lynch • Christopher Balchin • Lynette Abel • Sally Ross • Meryl Nietsch-Cooperman • Marion Fennell • Ann Richards • Alan Shapiro & Edward Green, keyboard • Rob Colavito, drums • Allan Michael, bass  • Barbara Allen, flute

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