The Series 2017, Curated by Juan Porter

Curated by Juan Michael Porter II, THE SERIES 2017, presents a wide range of choreographers in contrasting programs of dance.  At each performance, one or two of the 12 guest companies, with its own style and artistic voice, will share the program with Michael Mao Dance, a company celebrating its 49th Anniversary.  For specifics about each performance, please visit the website:  At Hudson Guild Theatre, 441 West 26th St. (between 9th & 10th Avenues)

When: Thu., Jun. 8, 2017 at 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Curated by Juan Michael Porter II, THE SERIES 2017, presents a wide range of choreographers in contrasting programs of dance.  At each performance, one or two of the 12 guest companies, with its own style and artistic voice, will share the program with Michael Mao Dance, a company celebrating its 49th Anniversary.  For specifics about each performance, please visit the website:  At Hudson Guild Theatre, 441 West 26th St. (between 9th & 10th Avenues)

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