She’s Making News: Christiane Amanpour

Christiane Amanpour may be the most recognized international correspondent in the world today. She has put a human face on such crises as the tragedy in Bosnia, both wars in Iraq, and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. She will discuss her career living on the front line, as well as her current positions as CNN’s chief international correspondent and global affairs anchor for ABC News. Photo: ABC.

When: Fri., Sep. 28, 2012 at 1:00 pm
Where: The Paley Center for Media
25 W. 52nd St.
Price: $20
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Christiane Amanpour may be the most recognized international correspondent in the world today. She has put a human face on such crises as the tragedy in Bosnia, both wars in Iraq, and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. She will discuss her career living on the front line, as well as her current positions as CNN’s chief international correspondent and global affairs anchor for ABC News. Photo: ABC.

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