Speaking of Science—Checking Out the Hypothesis Rules with Dr. Stuart Kurtz
Where: New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 W. 64th St.
Price: Suggested donation: $10; Members $5
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Suggested donation: Members $5, Guests $10
Stuart Kurtz returns. . .
Scientific hypotheses must be formulated in such a way that if need be, they can be disproved through further investigation. But when further testing is not possible, a hypothesis can be buttressed by Bayesian reasoning. This session will appeal to science fans by explaining the Bayesian process—and how we can then think about time and “time travel,” which the laws of physics do not actually forbid. We’ll discuss solutions to general relativity that show the possibilities—and then explore the problems of logical consistency.
Dr. Kurtz spoke to us on Physics, Metaphysics and Time in May. He graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with an SB in Chemical Engineering and from Princeton with an MS degree in Polymer Engineering and an MA and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. He taught at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and in Brazil as professor titular in Materials Engineering. This was followed by a research career in industry accumulating around 30 patents and publishing several papers. He now focuses on Philosophy of Science and Physics.
The New York Society for Ethical Culture is a humanist community dedicated to ethical relationships, social justice, and environmental stewardship. Entry to our 100-year-old building and meeting rooms is available for most wheelchair users with prior arrangements. Please call ahead (212-874-5210 x107) for setup of our portable system and plan to arrive one hour before start time.
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