The Spiritual Meaning of Political Systems
Pathworker and Core Energetics Therapist Aimee Falchuk talks about the Spiritual Meaning of Political Systems, referencing Guide Lecture 242. What about our political landscape relates, on the deepest level, to our own ideas and misconceptions?
We meet at Shetler Studios, 244 West 54th Street, 12th Floor on Thursday, December 15th, at 7pm. Join us!
Political systems live in us energetically both in truth and distortion. We may have the monarch in us, the energy of leadership. In distortion we may abuse our power or never let ourselves relax or ask for help. We may embody the energy of socialism with an emphasis on equality, justice and fairness, but when in distortion may inhibit the unfoldment of our unique gifts and talents. Systems that promote the individual can — in distortion — mask our fear of conformity or loss of self. Systems that promote a safety net may — in distortion — result in dependency or the deferral of personal responsibility.
As we become conscious of how these systems live in each of us, we may find new avenues for dialogue and connection within our deeply divided political environment.
You can read the Pathwork Lecture here.
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