This Steppenwolf commission explores America’s corporate culture through main character Millie, a resourceful young mother and housekeeper at a New York luxury hotel. When an opportunity in management gives her the chance to leave her blue collar life behind, she is faced with how much, and who, she’s willing to sacrifice. Go behind the scenes of this new play with playwright Erika Sheffer and director Yasen Peyankov. Cast members perform excerpts.
This Steppenwolf commission explores America’s corporate culture through main character Millie, a resourceful young mother and housekeeper at a New York luxury hotel. When an opportunity in management gives her the chance to leave her blue collar life behind, she is faced with how much, and who, she’s willing to sacrifice. Go behind the scenes of this new play with playwright Erika Sheffer and director Yasen Peyankov. Cast members perform excerpts.