Sunday Platform – David Van Arsdale: The Poverty of Work
Where: New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 W. 64th St.
Price: Free, donations welcome
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The Poverty of Work, published by Haymarket Books, is a recent and extensive study of employment agencies. The author of the book, David Van Arsdale, will present key findings from his study and also share his experiences working inside the temp and gig economy through employment agencies. Van Arsdale will define the range of employment agencies that exist in the U.S., explain why they have grown leaps and bounds, and also explain the processes by which agency laborers find work and under what conditions. Further, he will address the historical evolution of agencies and explain why, when left unregulated, they tend to sell immigrants and the unemployed into rather exploitive employment relations. Lastly, his presentation will demonstrate how employment agencies played a critical role in the rise of investment capitalism in the seventeenth century and also the evolution of slavery in North America.
“The class which has the power to rob upon a large scale has also the power to control the government and legalize their robbery.”—Eugene Debs
Dr. David Van Arsdale is Professor of Sociology at Onondaga Community College of the State University of New York. He earned his PhD with distinction from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University.
Shared Charity: The Workers Center of Central New York
Presider: Monica Weiss
FREE and open to the public.
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