Sunday Platform | Jason Haber: Robert Moses, Jane Jacobs, and the Battle for New York
Where: New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 W. 64th St.
212-874-5210 Price: Free
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Jane Jacobs called it a ballet. It was a soaring, stimulating, and safe place. Neighborhoods had density. Buildings had character. Streets had eyes. By the 1960’s, urban planning had changed. Led by Robert Moses, the ballet of the City would come to a grinding halt. It was replaced by the superblock, the highrise and the highway. The wrecking ball sealed the fate of neighborhoods. What implications did this have on life in New York and how do those fateful decisions still impact us today?
JASON HABER is a serial and social entrepreneur. His extensive career has intersected the worlds of business, politics, academia and technology. In 2010 he co-founded Rubicon Property, a social entrepreneurial real estate firm based in Manhattan. Warburg Realty acquired Rubicon in 2013. He has vast experience in government and public policy. Haber has worked as an adviser for several elected officials and candidates in New York City and in Washington, D.C. Haber was an adjunct professor at John Jay College where he taught public policy courses. In 2016, his first book, The Business of Good, became a best seller in 3 different categories on Amazon and has since become a must-read for social entrepreneurs. Haber is a frequent commentator on CNBC and Fox Business News and has been covered in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Communication from The George Washington University and a master’s degree from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. Haber currently lives in New York City with his wife and daughter.
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