Talking to People in Public: A Story-Telling Approach with Cathy Rose Salit and Christine Helm

Got something to say? Tell a story! Whoever you are and whatever your audience, get better at delivering high impact presentations, raising your hand at a tenants meeting, making a point at a professional conference, or performing as the life of the party, by creating stories for others. In this interactive workshop, storytellers par excellence, Christine Helm and Cathy Rose Salit, will delight and direct you to say what you have to say in a way that captivates! We’ll look at some terrific orators/storytellers and discover why and how they move us, learn improvisational techniques to help us think on our feet, say the unexpected, and connect to an audience. Then, we’ll put together our performance skills, creativity, and personal histories/stories to create new performances for how we talk in public.

Location: 99 Madison Ave., 5th Fl. (btw. 29 & 30th Sts.)

When: Sat., Feb. 15, 2014 at 12:30 pm
Where: East Side Institute
119 W. 23 St., Suite 902
Price: $150 ($135 early registration before Feb 1)
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Got something to say? Tell a story! Whoever you are and whatever your audience, get better at delivering high impact presentations, raising your hand at a tenants meeting, making a point at a professional conference, or performing as the life of the party, by creating stories for others. In this interactive workshop, storytellers par excellence, Christine Helm and Cathy Rose Salit, will delight and direct you to say what you have to say in a way that captivates! We’ll look at some terrific orators/storytellers and discover why and how they move us, learn improvisational techniques to help us think on our feet, say the unexpected, and connect to an audience. Then, we’ll put together our performance skills, creativity, and personal histories/stories to create new performances for how we talk in public.

Location: 99 Madison Ave., 5th Fl. (btw. 29 & 30th Sts.)

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