“Tastebreakers”: Art in the Afternoon with Jessica Dickinson

View the artworks of Art of Another Kind through the eyes of this painter, interested in “markers of a space outside the verbal and within the visible.” Approaching abstraction as a process that shifts, changes, and challenges closed historical definitions, explore how painting has produced multiple possibilities and voices through its vast material and conceptual topographies. By looking firsthand at work that engages “the abstract” as an action and a way to reflect life, take an intimate look at how different artists have addressed the variables of material investigation and the illusiveness of perception to expand what painting can and continues to be.

When: Wed., Jul. 25, 2012 at 1:30 pm
Where: Guggenheim Museum
1071 Fifth Ave. (at 89th St.)
Price: $10
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View the artworks of Art of Another Kind through the eyes of this painter, interested in “markers of a space outside the verbal and within the visible.” Approaching abstraction as a process that shifts, changes, and challenges closed historical definitions, explore how painting has produced multiple possibilities and voices through its vast material and conceptual topographies. By looking firsthand at work that engages “the abstract” as an action and a way to reflect life, take an intimate look at how different artists have addressed the variables of material investigation and the illusiveness of perception to expand what painting can and continues to be.

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