The Adventures of Baron Munchausen with John Glassie

Monty Python alum Terry Gilliam’s retina-bewildering adaptation of Rudolf Erich Raspe’s tall tales—which defied the scientific certainties of the Age of Enlightenment—recounts the outlandish exploits of an 18th-century German nobleman. John Glassie, author of A Man of Misconceptions, the story of legendary 17th-century German polymath/crackpot Athanasius Kircher, will connect the film to some delightful pre-scientific notions.

When: Tue., May. 28, 2013 at 7:30 pm
Where: Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM)
30 Lafayette Ave.
Price: $13
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Monty Python alum Terry Gilliam’s retina-bewildering adaptation of Rudolf Erich Raspe’s tall tales—which defied the scientific certainties of the Age of Enlightenment—recounts the outlandish exploits of an 18th-century German nobleman. John Glassie, author of A Man of Misconceptions, the story of legendary 17th-century German polymath/crackpot Athanasius Kircher, will connect the film to some delightful pre-scientific notions.

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