The History of the Motion Picture in Queens
Where: Queens Historical Society
Weeping Beech Park, 143-135 37th Avenue
718-939-0647 Price: Free
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Since the early days of Cinema, Queens NY has played an integral part in serving as the perfect set-piece for films of all genres. Since 1900, Queens has been the location of various movie studios including the famous Kaufman-Astoria Studios and even served as the home for some of Hollywood’s earliest superstars before the days of Beverly Hills and Malibu. Join historian, Jason D. Antos for a discussion on March 31st.
About the Author:
Jason Antos, the author of six books on the history of Queens, making him de facto one of the best- known and respected authors, as well as one of the most sought-after lecturers on the history of the borough. In 2010, Antos was hired first as a reporter and two years later became and currently works as the editor of the local newspaper: The Queens Gazette. Since 2015, he has been employed by Queens Assemblyman Edward Braunstein as a part-time community liaison; and for the past four years, Antos has served as a member of the board of the Queens Historical Society. Such items on his resume might explain why two years ago, the New York’s 6th Congressional District Congresswoman Grace Meng honored Antos with a Congressional Proclamation, citing his contributions to the study of the history of the borough.
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