The Letter Q

More than 50 writers share their struggles and triumphs in The Letter Q, a compilation for LGBT teens following in the steps of “It Gets Better.” Join the East Coast contributors, including LaShonda Katrice Barnetts, Nick Burd, Benoit Denizet-Lewis, Diane DiMassa, David Ebershoff, Paula Gilovich, Arthur Levine, David Levithan, Sarah Moon, Eric Orner, Rakesh Satyal, and Bil Wright, for a reading and signing. Facebook RSVP encouraged, but not required.

In this anthology, sixty-three award-winning authors such as Michael Cunningham, Amy Bloom, Jacqueline Woodson, Gregory Maguire, David Levithan, and Armistead Maupin make imaginative journeys into their pasts, telling their younger selves what they would have liked to know then about their lives as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgendered people. Through stories, in pictures, with bracing honesty, these are words of love and understanding, reasons to hold on for the better future ahead. They will tell you things about your favorite authors that you never knew before. And they will tell you about yourself.

When: Thu., Jun. 28, 2012 at 7:00 pm
Where: WORD
126 Franklin St.
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More than 50 writers share their struggles and triumphs in The Letter Q, a compilation for LGBT teens following in the steps of “It Gets Better.” Join the East Coast contributors, including LaShonda Katrice Barnetts, Nick Burd, Benoit Denizet-Lewis, Diane DiMassa, David Ebershoff, Paula Gilovich, Arthur Levine, David Levithan, Sarah Moon, Eric Orner, Rakesh Satyal, and Bil Wright, for a reading and signing. Facebook RSVP encouraged, but not required.

In this anthology, sixty-three award-winning authors such as Michael Cunningham, Amy Bloom, Jacqueline Woodson, Gregory Maguire, David Levithan, and Armistead Maupin make imaginative journeys into their pasts, telling their younger selves what they would have liked to know then about their lives as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgendered people. Through stories, in pictures, with bracing honesty, these are words of love and understanding, reasons to hold on for the better future ahead. They will tell you things about your favorite authors that you never knew before. And they will tell you about yourself.

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