The Pros and Cons of US Universities in Authoritarian Countries
Where: The New School
66 W. 12th St.
Price: Free
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Join us for our 13th Public Voices event, a public forum on the pros and cons of US universities opening campuses and centers in countries with authoritarian regimes.
Teng Biao, Grove Human Rights Scholar, Hunter College, City University of New York; President, China Against the Death Penalty
Eli Friedman, Associate Professor of International and Comparative Labor, Industrial and Labor Relations School, Cornell University, and Member of Cornell China Center Faculty Advisory Committee
Carol Kim, Senior Vice President for Global Partnerships, The New School
William C. Kirby, Spangler Family Professor of Business Administration; T. M. Chang Professor of China Studies; Chairman, Harvard China Fund, Harvard University
Pericles Lewis, Vice President and Vice Provost for Global Strategy; Douglas Tracy Smith Professor of Comparative Literature, Yale University; founding President, Yale-National University of Singapore
Denis Simon, Executive Vice Chancellor, Duke Kunshan University
Catharine Stimpson, University Professor and Dean Emerita of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New York University; affiliated faculty member, NYU Abu Dhabi
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