Tokyo: Experiments in Music and Performance

This music program, showcasing experimental musical performances that took place in Tokyo in the 1960s, features musician Tone Yasunao, an experimental musician and sound artist who has played an important role in experimental music and art scenes in Tokyo and New York since the 1960s. The program features Tone’s graphic scores from MoMA’s Gilbert and Lila Silverman Fluxus Collection and from Tone’s personal collection. Explore live experimental performances that combine film, sound, and improvised music, including one using a manipulated film projector. Then watch the event culminate in Fluxus-based events and actions, including the destruction of a piano.

When: Thu., Jan. 10, 2013 at 6:00 pm
Where: Museum of Modern Art
11 W. 53rd St.
Price: $10
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This music program, showcasing experimental musical performances that took place in Tokyo in the 1960s, features musician Tone Yasunao, an experimental musician and sound artist who has played an important role in experimental music and art scenes in Tokyo and New York since the 1960s. The program features Tone’s graphic scores from MoMA’s Gilbert and Lila Silverman Fluxus Collection and from Tone’s personal collection. Explore live experimental performances that combine film, sound, and improvised music, including one using a manipulated film projector. Then watch the event culminate in Fluxus-based events and actions, including the destruction of a piano.

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