Tree Man: Screening and Q&A

Q&A after screenings with François, director(s), and editor!

2015.  USA.  Jon Reiner, Brad Rothschild.  Color.  82 minutes.  Featuring François.

Official Selection: Montreal World Film Festival, DOC NYC, ST. Lawrence International Film Festival –Won the Audience Award at the ST. Lawrence International Film Festival

Every holiday season, hundreds of Christmas tree sellers from across North America descend upon the streets of New York City to ply their trade. Having left their homes and families behind, they endure the adversity of a migrant’s survival living out of their cars and vans while transforming the sidewalks into forests. Francois, a “Tree Man” and father of three from Quebec, returns to the same Manhattan street corner every year to deliver the magic of the season.

TREE MAN explores Francois’ journey and the relationships that sustain him – with his customers, employees and the people of his adopted neighborhood. While he may sell trees for a living, it is his role as the neighborhood Tree Man that draws the community closer together and gives meaning to his grueling month far from home.

When: Sun., Dec. 27, 2015 at 5:00 pm
Where: Symphony Space
2537 Broadway
Price: $14
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Q&A after screenings with François, director(s), and editor!

2015.  USA.  Jon Reiner, Brad Rothschild.  Color.  82 minutes.  Featuring François.

Official Selection: Montreal World Film Festival, DOC NYC, ST. Lawrence International Film Festival –Won the Audience Award at the ST. Lawrence International Film Festival

Every holiday season, hundreds of Christmas tree sellers from across North America descend upon the streets of New York City to ply their trade. Having left their homes and families behind, they endure the adversity of a migrant’s survival living out of their cars and vans while transforming the sidewalks into forests. Francois, a “Tree Man” and father of three from Quebec, returns to the same Manhattan street corner every year to deliver the magic of the season.

TREE MAN explores Francois’ journey and the relationships that sustain him – with his customers, employees and the people of his adopted neighborhood. While he may sell trees for a living, it is his role as the neighborhood Tree Man that draws the community closer together and gives meaning to his grueling month far from home.

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