Unleashing Your Inner Badass!

“You’re playing small doesn’t serve the world.” – Marianne Williamson

Despite advances women have made by ‘leaning in’ and ‘closing the confidence gap,’ women still face challenges as they seek to advance their careers and take significant leadership roles. Organizational culture, implicit bias, and women’s own confidence all stand in the way of success. This webinar helps you overcome the third challenge listed above: confidence and conviction to step into the challenges of leadership.

When: Tue., Jun. 9, 2020 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

“You’re playing small doesn’t serve the world.” – Marianne Williamson

Despite advances women have made by ‘leaning in’ and ‘closing the confidence gap,’ women still face challenges as they seek to advance their careers and take significant leadership roles. Organizational culture, implicit bias, and women’s own confidence all stand in the way of success. This webinar helps you overcome the third challenge listed above: confidence and conviction to step into the challenges of leadership.

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