Virtual Lunchtime Lecture: Music in 19th-Century NYC

Join us for a discussion of parlor music and the accompanying musical tastes of 19th-century New Yorkers. We will also explore popular instruments, especially for women, with a close look at the instruments in the Ladies’ Parlor of the Museum. You can access this event directly from the Museum website or use the Zoom Meeting ID: 893 4766 3208 and Passcode: 558263. This is a free event.

When: Fri., Aug. 14, 2020 at 12:30 pm
Where: Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden
421 E. 61st St.
Price: Free
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Join us for a discussion of parlor music and the accompanying musical tastes of 19th-century New Yorkers. We will also explore popular instruments, especially for women, with a close look at the instruments in the Ladies’ Parlor of the Museum. You can access this event directly from the Museum website or use the Zoom Meeting ID: 893 4766 3208 and Passcode: 558263. This is a free event.

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