What Makes Wendy Work Part 1: Science Fair

How can a pile of scaffolding and fabric be the Next Big Thing in developing scientifically advanced building? Matthias Hollwich and Marc Kushner (principals, HWKN) moderate a panel discussion exploring how Wendy “scrubs” the air, keeps museum-goers cool, and effectively creates her own microclimate. Panelists include the people behind the elements that created her: the scientists that developed the titania nanotechnology, the engineers that created her wind-generating fans, and experts in the field of climate engineering.

When: Sun., Jul. 15, 2012 at 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Where: MoMA PS1
22-25 Jackson Ave.
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How can a pile of scaffolding and fabric be the Next Big Thing in developing scientifically advanced building? Matthias Hollwich and Marc Kushner (principals, HWKN) moderate a panel discussion exploring how Wendy “scrubs” the air, keeps museum-goers cool, and effectively creates her own microclimate. Panelists include the people behind the elements that created her: the scientists that developed the titania nanotechnology, the engineers that created her wind-generating fans, and experts in the field of climate engineering.

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