Wonder of Wonders: A Cultural History of Fiddler on the Roof

Half-a-century ago, a modest musical based on some short stories originally written in Yiddish opened on Broadway and did much more than become a surprise blockbuster hit. It became a potent cultural landmark with astonishing global impact. Come hear cultural journalist Alisa Solomon discuss the origins and the rich legacy of Fiddler on the Roof and the power of popular culture.

When: Mon., Nov. 11, 2013 at 6:30 pm
Where: Cafes Columbia
622 W. 113th St.
Price: $5
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Half-a-century ago, a modest musical based on some short stories originally written in Yiddish opened on Broadway and did much more than become a surprise blockbuster hit. It became a potent cultural landmark with astonishing global impact. Come hear cultural journalist Alisa Solomon discuss the origins and the rich legacy of Fiddler on the Roof and the power of popular culture.

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