Writers and Artists Respond: threeASFOUR

Thought-provoking discussions and performances led by artists, musicians, and writers in the Museum’s galleries.

Gabriel Asfour, Adi Gil, and Angela Donhauser— designers of the avant-garde fashion collective threeASFOUR— and exhibition collaborator Christian Wassmann discuss their latest project.

Please RSVP at: http://www.eventbrite.com/org/3076177558?s=17083329

When: Thu., Oct. 24, 2013 at 6:30 pm
Where: The Jewish Museum
1109 Fifth Ave.
Price: Free with Pay-What-You-Wish Admisstion
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Thought-provoking discussions and performances led by artists, musicians, and writers in the Museum’s galleries.

Gabriel Asfour, Adi Gil, and Angela Donhauser— designers of the avant-garde fashion collective threeASFOUR— and exhibition collaborator Christian Wassmann discuss their latest project.

Please RSVP at: http://www.eventbrite.com/org/3076177558?s=17083329

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