YOU, The Ethicist! What’s the Right Thing to Do?

YOU, THE ETHICIST!  What’s the Right Thing to Do?


Conversation hosted by Ron Gross

Friday, Nov. 6, 3:00-4:15 pm

(please arrive by 2:45)

To receive the ZOOM link to join the Conversation, e-mail to Ron Gross at

(no need to have a ZOOM account)

Join a dozen other lively-minded New Yorkers to discuss  several of the everyday ethical challenges that have intrigued thoughtful people from Socrates to “The Ethicist” who discusses them in each Sunday’s TIMES Magazine.   

By thinking together, we’ll come to our own decisions about What’s the Right Thing to Do!

Please plan to join us to share your thoughts, insights, experiences, and wisdom!

When: Fri., Nov. 6, 2020 at 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm

YOU, THE ETHICIST!  What’s the Right Thing to Do?


Conversation hosted by Ron Gross

Friday, Nov. 6, 3:00-4:15 pm

(please arrive by 2:45)

To receive the ZOOM link to join the Conversation, e-mail to Ron Gross at

(no need to have a ZOOM account)

Join a dozen other lively-minded New Yorkers to discuss  several of the everyday ethical challenges that have intrigued thoughtful people from Socrates to “The Ethicist” who discusses them in each Sunday’s TIMES Magazine.   

By thinking together, we’ll come to our own decisions about What’s the Right Thing to Do!

Please plan to join us to share your thoughts, insights, experiences, and wisdom!

Buy tickets/get more info now