Speaking of Science—Science, Nature, and the Brain

Where: New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 W. 64th St.
212-874-5210 Price: Suggested donation: $10; Members $5
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Informal conversation with Dr. Felix Fung
Suggested donation: $5 members, $10 non-members
What is science? What is the nature of nature? And what can we know about knowledge? Though we understand that knowledge is the stuff of our brains; we also know that our brains lead our investigations both of nature, and of how we define and accumulate knowledge itself. In this session, Dr Fung will guide us through this circuit — and show how such pursuits lead a scientist into pure mathematics, quantum physics, and neuroscience.
In his career so far, the young Dr Felix Fung has touched on several fields in science. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in theoretical physics at the University of New South Wales with a thesis on atomic physics and another on chaos theory. He then obtained his PhD in mathematical neuroscience at the University of Sydney. He is now a postdoctoral research scientist in color-vision neuroscience at the State University of New York.
Refreshments: wine and cheese
Entry to our 100-year-old building and meeting rooms is available for most wheelchair users with prior arrangements. Please call ahead (212-874-5210 x107) for setup of our portable system and plan to arrive one hour before start time.
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