AMNH Presents: The Neurobiology of Attachment

How do babies form attachments to their caregivers? How do these essential emotional connections take shape? The basic question of nature versus nurture oversimplifies a system that is deeply complex, constantly in flux, and still somewhat mysterious. In this one-day course, we will delve into recent insights in understanding the neurobiology and behavior of early childhood attachment.

The Museum gratefully acknowledges The Mortimer D. Sackler Foundation, Inc. for its support to establish the Sackler Brain Bench, part of the Museum’s Sackler Educational Laboratory for Comparative Genomics and Human Origins in the Spitzer Hall of Human Origins, offering ongoing programs and resources for adults, teachers, and students to illuminate the extraordinary workings of the human brain.


When: Sat., Jan. 21, 2017 at 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West at 79th Street
Price: $95 ($85 Members)
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How do babies form attachments to their caregivers? How do these essential emotional connections take shape? The basic question of nature versus nurture oversimplifies a system that is deeply complex, constantly in flux, and still somewhat mysterious. In this one-day course, we will delve into recent insights in understanding the neurobiology and behavior of early childhood attachment.

The Museum gratefully acknowledges The Mortimer D. Sackler Foundation, Inc. for its support to establish the Sackler Brain Bench, part of the Museum’s Sackler Educational Laboratory for Comparative Genomics and Human Origins in the Spitzer Hall of Human Origins, offering ongoing programs and resources for adults, teachers, and students to illuminate the extraordinary workings of the human brain.


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