The Healing Power of Telling Your Story Jamia Wilson, Lisa Weinert, and Kate Johnson
Where: Rubin Museum of Art
150 W. 17th St.
212-620-5000 Price: $25
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Thought Party (“mindfulness of thinking”) and Group Journaling
What if your voice is the medicine that the world desperately needs? Join Jamia Wilson (movement builder, storyteller, and executive director of the Feminist Press) and Lisa Weinert (publishing expert, yoga teacher and founder of Narrative Healing) in a session to help us bring awareness to the stories we unconsciously tell and shift our narratives to find our power.
This session will start with a mindful contemplation practice, guided by series host Kate Johnson, to increase your awareness of your story without being trapped by it. A discussion on harnessing the power of the story to inspire healing in individuals and community will follow. Then put these skills into practice with facilitated journaling prompts and opportunities for sharing and discussion with incredible guests.
About Compassionate Action
How can we cultivate the power within us to balance the power between us? Join meditation teacher Kate Johnson, co-creator and host of Compassionate Action, a series of interactive evenings with artists, changemakers, culture creators, and healers who leverage the power of spirit to fuel their transformative work in the world. Each session will include a conversation, a meditation, and an activity to integrate the learnings. You will have a chance to strengthen your skills to access the clarity, connection, and courage needed to effect change in challenging times. We hope you will leave fortified, inspired, and more skilled to turn your wise intentions into compassionate action.
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