Author: Ethan Wolff

The Best Early Spring Walks in NYC

By Troy Segal

Spring is starting, the blood is stirring—time to get the legs moving farther than the closest subway station. Here are several stimulating walking tours around New York in the upcoming weeks. (And since the weather can be treacherous this time of year, we’ve included some indoor expeditions, too.) Read more

What to Catch at the New York Public Library This Spring

By Alison Durkee

The New York Public Library’s free public programs have something for everyone, with a dense spring slate that includes fresh insights into William Shakespeare, the wild success of the fast food industry and an insider’s look at the raising of One World Trade Center. Our picks for the best of spring talks at the New York Public Library follow. Read more

Monkey Business: Smart Ways to Celebrate Chinese New Year 2016 in NYC

By Troy Segal

It’s not too late to say Happy New Year—in fact, it’s just the right time: February 8th marks the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year (the Year of the Monkey in 2016). From art to talks to performances, we present some ways to celebrate, Sino-style, throughout the month. The extension is entirely appropriate, since the Chinese—smart people that they are—traditionally keep the new year’s party going for at least a couple of weeks. Read more

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New York Culture: Smart Ways to Kick Off 2016

By Troy Segal

Here at Thought Gallery we love all our listings (would we steer you towards anything but the best?), but some strike our fancy in a special way, reflecting a lifelong fascination, or a topic we’ve recently wanted to explore, or—okay, sometimes it’s a thing that just sounds cool. Here’s a roster of what we’re looking forward to early in 2016—talks, activities and performances guaranteed to beat the post-holiday blues. Read more

Songs of the Season: Offbeat Holiday Concerts in NYC

By Troy Segal

New York abounds in concerts during the holiday season. But if you’ve had it with Handel’s Messiah (exhilarating piece, to be sure, but how many “hallelujahs!” can you hear?), hearken to our suggestions for some alternatives musical performances during the remainder of the year. Some lean to the traditional, others are more unusual, but all offer original ways to get into the festive spirit. Read more

Celebrating Hanukkah: Jewish-Themed Events in NYC

By Troy Segal

Jews around the world are in the midst of the eight-day celebration of Hanukkah. To commemorate the Festival of Lights, we thought we’d shed some light on Jewish-themed talks, activities and performances around New York in the upcoming weeks. In their various ways—some overt, some subtle—all testify to the culture, talent and outlook of the Chosen People. (You don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy.)

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