Ebola Comes to New York: Talks and Panels in NYC
With the news breaking that New York City has its first diagnosed Ebola case in the form of a subway-riding emergency room doctor, an already engaging story has taken on new urgency. Check out these upcoming talks and panels to learn more about this emerging crisis.
Thursday, November 6
The impact of money, power, and media on pandemics and other disaster events will be examined at “Ebola and the Politics of Pandemic,” a Sustainable Development Seminar Series event at Columbia.
Tuesday, November 18
A panel of experts on pandemic emergency management in NYC hospitals will get together to discuss the current state of preparedness in New York and how to deal with a possible outbreak Ebola and Enterovirus-D68.
Monday, December 1
The Doctor of Public Health Program at the CUNY School of Public Health is hosting a panel discussion on the Ebola Epidemic: Response, Preparedness, Lessons. The discussion will be followed by an audience Q&A.