“Back to School: An Examination of Public Education”
Where: New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 W. 64th St.
Price: Free
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This year is the centennial of the publication of John Dewey’s classic, “Democracy & Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education.” Similar in many ways to Ethical Culture founder Felix Adler’s pedagogy, this pragmatic humanist’s work called for the complete renewal of public education and inspired teachers to create their own “learning-by-doing” curricula. Many of us remember taking field trips, performing in school plays, and being encouraged to pursue our own interests. However, since the 1980’s, traditional-values conservatives and the business community, funded by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Charles Koch conservative think tank the Heartland Institute, have steered national education policy toward Common Core standards and job training. Many students and their parent are taking up the cause for progressive education, and it is time to revisit Dewey’s groundbreaking work.
The New York Society for Ethical Culture is a humanist community dedicated to ethical relationships, social justice, and environmental stewardship. Entry to our 100-year-old building and meeting rooms is wheelchair accessible. For events in our Auditorium and Social Hall, please call ahead (212-874-5210 x121) and plan to arrive one hour before start time
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