Cancel Culture

Cancel culture is not a new phenomenon. Over the last decade, we’ve observed the removal of support for public figures as a response to what was considered their objectionable opinions. This “canceling activism” mainly takes the form of online shaming, i.e call outs via social media platforms, such as twitter.

As in the example of #MeToo, many movements have demanded greater accountability from public figures; leading to public humiliations, and have led to a source of great debate over the intricacies of internet ethics.

Has holding celebrities accountable for their opinions gone too far? What, in this space, can be considered breaching ethics?

Can free speech go too far and be weaponized? Or is free speech precisely the thing targeted by cancel culture?

This Olio will take the form of a discussion; I’d like you, the participants, to bring arguments and examples with you to illustrate what could be done in order to preserve accountability, without falling into mere bullying.


When: Sun., Aug. 9, 2020 at 2:00 pm

Cancel culture is not a new phenomenon. Over the last decade, we’ve observed the removal of support for public figures as a response to what was considered their objectionable opinions. This “canceling activism” mainly takes the form of online shaming, i.e call outs via social media platforms, such as twitter.

As in the example of #MeToo, many movements have demanded greater accountability from public figures; leading to public humiliations, and have led to a source of great debate over the intricacies of internet ethics.

Has holding celebrities accountable for their opinions gone too far? What, in this space, can be considered breaching ethics?

Can free speech go too far and be weaponized? Or is free speech precisely the thing targeted by cancel culture?

This Olio will take the form of a discussion; I’d like you, the participants, to bring arguments and examples with you to illustrate what could be done in order to preserve accountability, without falling into mere bullying.


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