From Generation to Generation: Four Generations of Holocaust Survivors Speak Out
Where: The 92nd Street Y, New York
1395 Lexington Ave.
212-415-5500 Price: $29.00
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Although the Holocaust ended in 1945, the remnants of the Nazi atrocities are still present in the lives of survivors and their descendants.
Join bestselling author and second generation (2G) survivor, Emily Wanderer Cohen, as she joins a multi-generational survivor panel with Rabbi Joseph Polak, Holocaust Survivor; Jenna Pfeffer, Third-Generation (3G) Holocaust Survivor; and Elliott Saiontz, Fourth-Generation (4G) Holocaust Survivor. The Moderator is Dr. Eva Fogelman (2G), an internationally renowned psychologist on historical traumas. Hear about their shared and divergent experiences, transmitted trauma and inherited resilience, and the responsibilities of their direct connection.