Housing a Growing City

Since the Tenement House Laws of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, New York City has been a national laboratory for innovative and affordable housing policies. But numerous challenges remain in a city with an expanding population. Low-rent housing is evaporating, homelessness is skyrocketing, the building stock is increasingly aged, and the city’s economic and demographic landscape faces ongoing shifts. Join a panel of leaders in New York City urban planning — including housing advocates, community leaders and city officials — to discuss these changes in our urban fabric and the potential solutions to ensuring the city remains a leader in affordable housing. This program accompanies our exhibitions, Affordable New York: A Housing Legacy and Jacob A. Riis: Revealing New York’s Other Half.

When: Tue., Jan. 19, 2016 at 6:30 pm
Where: Museum of the City of New York
1220 Fifth Ave.
Price: $16
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Since the Tenement House Laws of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, New York City has been a national laboratory for innovative and affordable housing policies. But numerous challenges remain in a city with an expanding population. Low-rent housing is evaporating, homelessness is skyrocketing, the building stock is increasingly aged, and the city’s economic and demographic landscape faces ongoing shifts. Join a panel of leaders in New York City urban planning — including housing advocates, community leaders and city officials — to discuss these changes in our urban fabric and the potential solutions to ensuring the city remains a leader in affordable housing. This program accompanies our exhibitions, Affordable New York: A Housing Legacy and Jacob A. Riis: Revealing New York’s Other Half.

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