Medical Astrology

Scholar Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim explores the relationship between sowa rigpa (the Tibetan ‘science of healing’) and tsi, the various sciences of the stars, time calculation and divination.

What is the relationship between sowa rigpa (the Tibetan ‘science of healing’) and tsi, the various sciences of the stars, time calculation and divination?  The origins of this association, which is also found in many other traditional medical systems around the world, go back to the earliest extant sources in the Tibetan language – the Dunhuang manuscripts from the 9th century.

Tibetan medicine and the astral sciences are intertwined to this day as is evident in the name of two important Tibetan medical institutions, the Mentsikhang Hospital in Lhasa and the Men-Tsee-Khang College and Hospital in Dharamsala, which in English are usually referred to as the ‘Institute of Medicine and Astrology.’ Dr. Yoeli-Tlalim will present some of the most important intersections, including the lunar cycle of vital energy; and urine and pulse analysis and the seven day planet week.

When: Sun., Mar. 23, 2014 at 11:45 am
Where: Rubin Museum of Art
150 W. 17th St.
Price: $15; $13.50 members
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Scholar Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim explores the relationship between sowa rigpa (the Tibetan ‘science of healing’) and tsi, the various sciences of the stars, time calculation and divination.

What is the relationship between sowa rigpa (the Tibetan ‘science of healing’) and tsi, the various sciences of the stars, time calculation and divination?  The origins of this association, which is also found in many other traditional medical systems around the world, go back to the earliest extant sources in the Tibetan language – the Dunhuang manuscripts from the 9th century.

Tibetan medicine and the astral sciences are intertwined to this day as is evident in the name of two important Tibetan medical institutions, the Mentsikhang Hospital in Lhasa and the Men-Tsee-Khang College and Hospital in Dharamsala, which in English are usually referred to as the ‘Institute of Medicine and Astrology.’ Dr. Yoeli-Tlalim will present some of the most important intersections, including the lunar cycle of vital energy; and urine and pulse analysis and the seven day planet week.

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