MFA Fine Arts Catalog 2020 & Exhibition Publication Book Launch

Where: Pratt Institute - Brooklyn Campus
200 Willoughby Ave.
Price: Free, Please RSVP
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The live link will be available on the day of the event.
The participants are Curator Yasmeen Siddiqui, Hannah Pierce from Small Editions, MFA Alumni ‘20: Cassie Reeder, Josh Meillier, and Sarah Coplan, book designer and MFA Communication Design candidate ‘21
Pratt Fine Arts MFA Catalog presenting the work of the class of 2020, including an exhibition publication of the exhibition content that was unable to happen due to the pandemic which would have been the MFA 2nd-year all-inclusive exhibition, curated by Yasmeen Siddiqui held in the newly renovated ground floor space at Pratt Manhattan Gallery.
Unprecedented times call for innovation, labors of love, and open minds. This double catalog is but one example of how the Pratt graduating class has faced a global pandemic and used these aforementioned tools to create something beautiful in a time of uncertainty. With closures, unexpected changes in routines, altered living situations, and risks in social interaction we were given the choice to stand by, or to use this time to create a catalog that demonstrates what we can overcome. Here in this catalog, we showcase works from our time here at Pratt, along with a poetic curation of our works as a whole. Without the sense of community and care, we worked so hard to build over the years, this would not have been possible. We hope that through this collective work we will highlight our vigor and ingenuity as we continue on to new communities, works, and bright futures.
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