‘The Universe of Peter Max’ with Peter Max

peter-maxSpend an evening with pop art icon Peter Max and Victor Zurbel, Max’s longtime friend and the creative director of Peter Max Studio.

As one of the defining popular artists over the last 50 years, Max’s work with the ’60s pop psychedelic art movement proved to be an immense influence on graphic design, illustration and comics.

From postage stamps, airplanes and major campaigns for the 1994 World Cup, Max comes forth to tell the story of his life and work.

An intimate visual memoir, The Universe of Peter Max covers the pop art icon’s extraordinary career, from his childhood as the son of German refugees to his years as a preeminent artist of the 1960s counterculture, to his continuing work today.

When: Wed., Nov. 20, 2013 at 7:00 pm
Where: The Strand
828 Broadway
Price: $15 Strand gift card
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peter-maxSpend an evening with pop art icon Peter Max and Victor Zurbel, Max’s longtime friend and the creative director of Peter Max Studio.

As one of the defining popular artists over the last 50 years, Max’s work with the ’60s pop psychedelic art movement proved to be an immense influence on graphic design, illustration and comics.

From postage stamps, airplanes and major campaigns for the 1994 World Cup, Max comes forth to tell the story of his life and work.

An intimate visual memoir, The Universe of Peter Max covers the pop art icon’s extraordinary career, from his childhood as the son of German refugees to his years as a preeminent artist of the 1960s counterculture, to his continuing work today.

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