What in the World Is Happening?

What in the World is Happening?
~ Widespread violence
~ Catastrophic climate change
~ Profits before people
At the same time, a hopeful movement grows:
~ Corruption is being brought to light
~ People are demanding justice, peace and a livable planet
What is behind these remarkable changes?
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and the Masters of Wisdom are inspiring the heart of humanity.
Join us to hear about this extraordinary group of enlightened incorruptible Teachers here to show humanity out of the current precarious conditions, and into a brilliant new age where sharing, justice and cooperation are our guiding principles. Sound Impossible? Investigate for yourself.
Sunday August 11, 2 pm
The Emergence of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom
Quest Lecture Hall
240 East 53rd St., NYC 10022
Doors open at 1:30pm
Free admission
“My coming portends change: likewise grief over the loss of old structures. But, my friends, the old bottles must be broken–the new wine deserves better.” – Maitreya
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