The Home Stretch: NYC Events for the Last Days of January

By Troy Segal
As January’s days dwindle down, complement your calendar with this cornucopia of offerings—a guide to the top talks, readings and screenings in NYC. Read more
As January’s days dwindle down, complement your calendar with this cornucopia of offerings—a guide to the top talks, readings and screenings in NYC. Read more
With the news breaking that New York City has its first diagnosed Ebola case in the form of a subway-riding emergency room doctor, an already engaging story has taken on new urgency. Check out these upcoming talks and panels to learn more about this emerging crisis. Read more
It was, “an evening of three acts,” as described by Commissioner Katherine Oliver of the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment at The Museum of the City of New York’s talk “Spotlight on Broadway: New York’s Theater Design and Architecture.”
In January, Tony Award winners, bestselling authors, beloved news anchors and others take the stage for conversations and discussions. Here, our top picks of NYC lectures and talks for the month. Read more
From discussions with historians and scientists to author meetings and book signings, a variety of top talks and readings happening this November.